Monday, December 20, 2010

Human/Environment interaction

Human/Environment Interaction – Sample Answers

What were some ways the People of the Three Fires used their environment?
·       They used rivers and lakes for travel.
·       They used the land for farming.
·       They used trees for many different kinds of things including maple syrup, canoes, and housing materials.
What were some ways the People of the Three Fires adapted to their environment?
·       They ate foods that were around them like nuts and berries.

·       The Potawatomi moved their villages with the seasons.

·       They made their houses out of things they found around them like bark.

What were some ways the People of the Three Fires changed their environment?

·       They cleared land to create villages.

·       They cleared land to plant crops.

·       They cut down trees to make things like houses and canoes.

The Odawa

The Odawa

The Odawa, or Ottawa, lived along the eastern shores of Lake Michigan. They were known for being excellent traders. They used bark canoes to travel hundreds of miles in order to trade goods. The Odawa lived in villages. Their houses were small oval buildings called wigwams or longhouses which were like apartment buildings in which several families lived. They often built log walls around their villages for protection. They hunted and fished and sometimes farmed. They made sugar from maple sap. They were known for being very good weavers and wove beautiful mats, bags, and baskets. One of their most famous leaders was Chief Pontiac.

The Potawatomi

The Potawatomi

The Potawatomi lived at one time in the southwest section of Michigan. Then, they spread out and moved to other areas such as the land around what is now the city of Saginaw. Of the three groups, the Potawatomi were known as the best farmers. They grew more of their own food than the other two groups. Crops included squash, corn, melons, and beans. They also used maple sap to make syrup and sugar.  They lived in villages, but moved their villages with the seasons. In the warm months they lived near rivers and lakes in round wigwams or rectangular lodges. In the winter, the villages often broke up into small groups of families that moved into the forests where the hunting was good. The Potawatomi used canoes for fishing and going short distances, but they did not travel by water as much as the other two groups. Like the other two groups, the Potawatomi used sleds and snowshoes in winter. They were well known for their quill embroidery, basketry, and beadwork.

People of the three fires chart

People of the Three Fires
Completed Reference Chart


Where did they live in Michigan?
·      Southern shore of Lake Superior
·      Western shore of Lake Huron
·      Southwest Michigan
·      Later in area near Saginaw
·      Eastern shore of Lake Michigan

What were their houses like?
·      Small round wigwams
·      Wigwams
·      Rectangular lodges
·      Wigwams
·      Longhouses for many families

What did they eat?
·      Crops like corn and squash
·      Maple syrup
·      Wild rice
·      Nuts and berries
·      Squash, melons, corn, beans
·      Maple syrup and sugar
·      Maple syrup
·      Fish
·      Farming crops

What was special about them?
·      Excellent hunters, fishers, and trappers
·      Made excellent birch bark canoes
·      Great farmers
·      Moved to forests in winter

·      They were great traders
·      Had a great leader named Chief Pontiac
·      Built log walls around villages

What did they make?
·      Deerskin moccasins and bags with quills
·      Birch bark baskets and boxes
·      Beadwork
·      Quill embroidery
·      Baskets
·      Beadwork
·      Woven mats
·      Bags
·      Baskets

The Ojibwa

The Ojibwa

        The Ojibwa was the largest group of the “Three Fires.” They lived along the southern shores of Lake Superior and the western shores of Lake Huron. They moved at times and usually settled near rivers and lakes. They were admired for being excellent hunters, fishers, and trappers. They were also well-known for their birch bark canoes. When they lived in areas with good soil, they farmed and raised crops such as corn and squash. They also gathered nuts and fruits. They made maple syrup from the sap of maple trees and gathered wild rice. They lived in villages made of small round buildings called wigwams. These were houses made from a frame of bent poles which was covered with bark, animal skins or mats. They made items like moccasins and bags from deerskin which was decorated with porcupine quills. They were known for their beautiful beadwork which often had flower designs. They also made birch bark baskets and boxes.

Data Collection Sheet: Group:  ________________________

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Math test on 12/9/2010

Dear Respected Parents:

On Thursday, December 9, we will be having a Math test on Chapter 3. Chapter 3 includes Two-Digit Subtraction, Estimating Differences, Subtracting money, Solving Story Problems, Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers, Subtracting Greater Numbers, Subtracting Across the Zeros, and Selecting Addition or Subtraction. All lessons are explained in detail in Chapter 3 of our textbook and there is also a practice test on pages 151-153. Students need to remember the following:

Vocabulary: Difference is the answer to a subtraction problem
Estimate is when you find an answer the is very close to the exact answer by rounding the numbers.
To regroup is to borrow ten from the next place value if the numbers in the ones place can't be subtracted.
You can check your answer to a subtraction problem by adding.
You can also subtract by drawing a picture using base-ten blocks.
When solving a story problem make sure you use the problem solving strategy we learned:
  1. Understand what they are asking you to do. Look for word clues such as how many more, how many in all, how many are left over, how many more etc.
  2. Plan: Draw a picture, draw base ten blocks, make a chart and do what ever works best for you to solve the problem.
  3. Solve
  4. Check: You can check a subtraction problem by adding and you can check an addition problem by subtracting.
If students are confused on any part of Chapter 3, they can make a note of what is confusing them and we can review it in class tomorrow inshallah. Jazakum Allah Khairan.


Sister Maha

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Homework Alert!

Dear Respected  Parents,

The purpose of assigning homework is to reinforce what is being learned at school and to let you see what we are doing in Third Grade. This week there have been many missing homework assignments and incomplete work turned in to me by my students. From now on any missing work or incomplete assignments will be done during recess or Gym. Learning responsibility is one of the most important things that I am trying to teach my students this year. Completing homework assignments in a timely fashion is important and one of the ways for students to become independent and responsible. Students who complete all homework assignments in a timely and neat manner will have the chance to earn an invitation to an ice cream sundae party very soon. Hopefully this will motivate our students to do the work more proficiently and turn it in on time. If you feel that your child is struggling with homework or any other subject in school and would like them to receive extra instruction, I am available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 5 o'clock. This tutoring is free of charge however, you will be responsible to pick up your child by 5 o'clock sharp. If you are interested in tutoring for your child, I can be contacted at 313-740-0546 or you can email me at We need to work together to ensure that every child succeeds and grows in third grade. Thank you.


Sister Maha

Monday, November 29, 2010

How do we make singular nouns plural?

A noun is a person, place, or thing. A common noun names any person, place or thing and a proper noun names a special person place or thing:
common noun: girl
proper noun: Ayaat

common noun: boy
proper noun: Ayman

common noun: school
proper noun: Al-Ihsan

Notice that all of my proper nouns start with capital letters.

Plural nouns rules:
If a noun ends in x, ch, sh, s or ss then you add es to make it plural.
box- boxes
wish- wishes
match- matches
bus- buses
class- classes

If a noun ends in a consonant and then a (Y), you drop the (Y) change it to (i) and add (es)
candy- candies
family- families

If a noun ends in (f) then you change the (f) to a (v) and add (es)
half- halves
calf- calves

Some plural nouns are just plain different:
The plural of person is people and the plural of cactus is cacti.

Third Grade Newsletter

Dear Respected Parents:
Asalamu Alaikum. I would like to take the time to give you some updates on what we will be focusing on in Third Grade over the next couple of weeks and some new programs and activities that have been implemented.

Language Arts: 
In language arts we will be wrapping up our second theme of the year which was Celebrating Traditions. The selections that we have read all included the theme of traditions in them. Language Arts includes a whole group reading and discussion of the stories, comprehension strategies such as main idea, sequencing and this week we are focusing on comparing and contrasting two different selections. Answering a question in a complete sentence, adding details, and summarizing are also some objectives and strategies that we are focusing on.
Our Grammar lesson for the last couple of weeks revolves around common nouns, proper nouns and how to make a noun plural. We are learning about all of the different rules that have to be applied when making a noun plural which will be posted on my blog very soon. We will also be starting possessive nouns next week.

This week we will be wrapping up our compare and contrast essay about the Eid and Chinese New Year. We will also be starting a new writing prompt. Students will choose one thing from their culture that is a tradition or that is celebrated and then we will write about it. For example, one student has already chosen his topic and it will be about eating aseed which is a traditional and popular dish from Yemen. We also have a new writing program called Blueprints for Exceptional Writing, and we are being trained on it by Sister Nadra Shami. For the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on the writing traits organization and adding voice to our writing.

This week we will start Chapter 3 in Math and we will be learning about subtraction. We will learn how to subtract whole numbers using regrouping and estimation. We will also learn how to solve story problems that have multiple steps. The Academic Vocabulary to focus on in this chapter will be : Difference, Subtraction, Estimate, About, and regroup.

This week we will be starting Chapter 3 in Science. We will be focusing on animal habitats and ecosystems. Key vocabulary to remember for this lesson is ecosystem, community, population and habitat. Some examples of different ecosystems that we will be studying will be an aquarium, ponds, rotting logs, terrarium, backyard, wood lot and forests. Next Monday I will be sending home an explanation and ruberic for the first project of the year. The project will be about an ecosystem or habitat that students will choose to research and present to the class.

Social Studies:
In Social Studies we are learning about the first people of Michigan who were the Native Americans. Students will learn where in Michigan the first people settled and how they used their surroundings and the environment to meet their basic needs of life. We will soon be creating a timeline starting form the first people and going all the way to Michigan's statehood.

The success and well-being of our children is my first and foremost priority in third grade. I am doing everything I possibly can to ensure that each student is successful and safe. However, I strongly believe in our partnership and bond of brotherhood and sisterhood that Islam and Allah (SWT) has blessed us with. I have a few simple requests:
  • Please make sure your child is here by 8:15 every day. When students are late for school, they miss out on valuable instructional time and mini-lessons that are started promptly at 8:30.
  • Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast before school even if it is a piece of fruit or cup of milk. Students who are hungry during Language Arts cannot concentrate.
  • Winter is upon us and we will still be going outside sometimes for Gym and Recess. Please make sure that your child comes to school with a winter coat and mittens.

I have an open door policy for parents, my prep time is from 10:30- 12:00 every day and I am also available Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school. Please feel free to contact me anytime at : or (313-740-0546).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Math Test for Thursday 11/11/1972

Asalamu Alaikum:

On Thursday, November 11 students will be tested on Chapter 2 of Math. I am sending home a study guide that is to be completed and returned to me by Thursday, November 11. The study guide will be graded and counted as a homework assignment. In the past, I sent home a study guide that I didn't require to be returned, however there were some students who didn't bother doing it or studying for the test and ended up doing poorly so this time the study guide will be graded as a homework assignment. The following concepts will be covered on Thursdays test:
  • Properties of Addition: Commutative, Identity, and Associative
  • Students will be shown different equations and will be expected to identify the property on the test
  • Problem solving skills: Students will be expected to identfy the four steps to solving a story problem (Understand, Plan, Solve, Check) and apply the four step plan when solving story problems.
  • Estimating the sum
  • Two-Digit Addition with regrouping
  • Adding money
  • Three digit addition with regrouping
  • Adding greater numbers in the thousands
The new program includes an online tutor for help. The website is The code to get in is MC7320c2 the number at the end represents the chapter that we are on. If you have any trouble logging on please let me know.

Sister Maha

Science Study Guide For Thursday's Test

Dear Parents,
Asalamu Alaikum, This Thursday, students will be tested on Chapter 2 in Science (Animals). Chapter 2 starts on page A36 of the Science book and ends on page A75. The following information covers the material that will be on the test:
  • Vocabulary words that will be covered include: hibernate, mammal, migrate, bird, learned trait, inherited trait, amphibian, metamorphosis, organ, fish
Students need to know the following main ideas of the chapter:
  1. Animals need air because it contains oxygen
  2. Vertebrates are animals that have backbones and invertebrates are animals without backbones and students must be able to give examples of both.
  3. The difference between animals that hatch from an egg such as frogs, chickens and turtles and animal that produce their own kind by giving birth such as cats, dogs etc.
  4. Animals need water to help them get rid of body wastes.
  5. Inner needs include eating, breathing etc.
  6. Which animals go through metamorphosis as they grow (butterflys, frogs) and explain what it means to go through metamorphosis.
  7. Examples of inherited traits (eye color and hair color) and learned traits ( how to ride a bike, how to play soccer, reading the Quran).
  8. To migrate means to move to another place ( to migrate means to move from one place to another) some birds migrate to warmer climates when the weather gets cold.
  9. The different systems and organs in our bodies and their functions. (See pages A62 and A63) of the Science book.
  10. Students will be expected to draw a chart with 5 sections, the chart will be labeled mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Students will be expected to write the names of at least three animals that fit into each category ( we already made a classroom chart in the hall and put pictures of many animals out there). Students can take a look at that chart to get some ideas.
  11. Students will then have to choose 5 animals from the chart that they made and write why they put that specific animal in that category.
Islamic Connections:
Students were given a copy of verse 45 from Surah Al-Nour. The verse talks about how all animals were created by Allah (SWT) out of water and in all different shapes and sizes. Some crawl on their bellies, some stand on two legs and some stand on four legs. If the student can name the surah, tell me which verse it is (#45) and exlain what it means on the test, 5 extra credit points will be added to their Science grade at the end of this quarter. If the student memorizes the whole verse and can recite it to me, 10 extra credit points will be added to their Science score at the end of this quarter.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Social Studies Study Guide Test on Friday

Social Studies Study Guide for 10/22/2010
·       Students will be given a blank map of the State of Michigan and will be expected to label the following:
·       The upper and lower peninsulas
·       The five great lakes
·       The four bordering states
·       The bordering country
·       The capital

·        Students will be expected to know the difference between a natural characteristic and a human characteristic.
·        A natural characteristic is something that is found in nature that is useful to people. All natural characteristics were created by Allah (SWT).
·        A human characteristic is something that is made by human beings.
·        Examples of natural characteristics: Soil, minerals such as iron, and lakes.
·        Examples of human characteristics: railroads, buildings, bridges, cars.

·        How were the great lakes formed?
·        Huge sheets of ice called glaciers moved across the land and formed huge valleys. When the glaciers melted the valleys got filled with water and that was the creation of the great lakes.
·        The following vocabulary words are located in every students Michigan Studies notebook: Geography, Geographer, Natural Characteristics, Human Characteristics, County, State, Border, government
·        Students must know that we live in Wayne County and that the state of Michigan is made up of many counties.
·        Students must know that Michigan is one of 50 states.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meap Test Tomorrow

Asalamu Alaikum,
I would like to remind you that 3rd grade students will be going to Star Academy tomorrow to take the Math portion of the Meap test. I will not be assigning any homework today, however spelling words will be introduced tomorrow morning and students will have a spelling test this Friday. This week's schedule will resume as usual. Students will be tested on the first chapter of Social Studies (The Geography of Michigan). A study guide will go home tomorrow and will also be posted here on my blog. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. As always I thank you for your ongoing support and encouragment.

Sister Maha

Monday, October 11, 2010

Announcement Please Read

Due to the Meap testing that will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I will not be assigning any homework. Please disregard the previous postings.

Sister Maha

Math Homework

In math today we started comparing amounts of money. However, students have some multiplication practice for homework. Please make sure that students are studying the one's, two's and three's at home.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 1 Math test study guide

When you are rounding a number you should:
·       Underline the digit that is in the place that you are rounding to.
·       Look at the digit to the right of the digit that you are rounding to.
·       If the digit to the right is 5 or above you have to add one to the underlined digit.
·       If the digit to the right is below 5 then you leave the underlined digit alone.
·       After you do that you turn all the digits to the right of the underlined digit to zero’s.
Round 865 to the nearest hundred
The 8 is in the hundreds place so you would underline the 8. 865
The 6 is the digit to the right and it is five and above so the 8 becomes a nine. Then all the digits to the right of the 8 have to turn to zeroes. 865 rounded to the nearest hundred is 900.
Expanded form means to stretch it out, for example:
4,362 in expanded form is 4,000+300+60+2
Word form means to write it in words, for example:
Four thousand, three hundred, sixty two
And standard form is the regular number: 4,362
To order numbers means to put them in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. You will be given groups of numbers to put in order from least to greatest or greatest to least on the test. If you get confused remember to look at the place value of each number.
Example: ( 235, 234, 232 240, 300)
Least to greatest: 232, 234, 235, 240, 300
Greatest to Least: 300, 240, 235, 234, 232

To compare numbers is to know which number is larger or smaller than the other. We use (< or >) to tell which number is larger or smaller than the other.
Example: 456 > 379
We will review all of this in class however, you also need to do these practice sheets at home in preparation for the test.

spelling lists for 10/4/2010

Group 1 spelling (words with the long "A" sound:


Group 2 ( vowel-consonant-e pattern)

For the week of 10/4/2010

Asalamu Alaikum,

Inshallah this letter gets to all of you while you and your families are in good health and happiness from Allah (SWT).  Guided reading groups will continue as usual this week. We will be practicing sequence of events, subject and predicate and the writing trait, voice. In Math we will have our first test on Friday and it will cover Chapter 1. Chapter 1 includes, writing numbers in expanded, word and standard form, comparing and ordering numbers, place value and rounding. We will also start counting money and writing amounts using dollar signs and decimal points. A study guide will come home today for practice. In Science this week we will be learning about the life cycles of different animals and we will compare learned traits with inherited traits. In Social Studies, we will learn about how the glaciers helped form landforms and bodies of water in Michigan and about the first people of Michigan. We are still practicing our multiplication tables of 3. Students need to practice those at home as well as at school. If you have any questions regarding third grade activities, please contact me at any time. Remember, this Thursday we will be going on a field trip to Wiard's apple orchard in Ypsilanti. Thank you very much for all of your support and cooperation.

Maha Mustafa

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3rd Grade Slide Show

Spelling lists for the week of 9/27/2010

Asalamu Alaikum Third Grade Parents and Students:
The spelling lists for this week are as follows:

Spelling List for group 1 


Spelling list for group 2:

Monday, September 27, 2010


Asalamu Alaikum Third Grade Friends, I am so happy that you could visit my blog. I told you that I would post some things on here that would help you study for the Science test and I did. Please read the main ideas below:

  • Remember how we made our own vocabulary mini-books in class and you defined each word. That mini-book tells you what all of our vocabulary words mean. 
  • When I checked the homework I found that some of you got mixed up between which part of the plant makes food, and which part of the plant send food to the rest of the plant. Remember that the leaves of the plant are the main food making part of the plant and the roots grow underground and take in water and minerals for the plant. The stem carries the food from the roots and makes sure that it is delivered to the other parts of the plant, And the chlorophyll is located in the leaves of the plant and it helps the plant stay green.
  • Besides reading from the book and studying the vocabulary mini-book that we made, remember the conversations that we talked about in class.
  • Remember when we talked about development, we discussed the development of a tree and we even discussed your development. Remember we said that plants, animals and you start out very small and that different stages of development are how you grow and change throughout life.
  • Remember that the five parts of plant's life cycle are: 
  1. A plant starts out as a seed.
  2. Then a new plant grows.
  3. Next, the plant becomes and adult.
  4. After that, the plant grows flowers on it
  5. Finally, Flowers become fruits with seeds in them.
  • Conifers are trees that produce seeds inside of cones, remember when Laila brought us a pine cone from her backyard and we looked at it. That was an example.
  • Remember that living things reproduce or make more of their own kind. Some living things do this by laying eggs, and some living things do this by actually having their babies grow inside of them like puppies or kittens (Subhan-Allah).
Remember: Even before Scientists discovered any of this, it was all sent down to us from Allah (SWT) and written in the Quran. The Quran was sent down in the form of different verses that were revealed to our beloved prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). The Quran was revealed before any of these Scientific ideas were even published. Surah Al-Nabaa talks about the heavy clouds that bring down a lot of water to the Earth, and how plants and gardens grow (remember in class when Ayat read the verses to us and then Khaled explained what they meant). This is how Allah (SWT) feeds and nourishes all living things on Earth. On the test, you will have the opportunity to earn extra credit points if you can tell me : Surah Al-Nabaa, verses 13,14,15 , explain the best that you can what they mean and try to memorize them (they are short). 

I hope and pray that this information is helpful to all of you. If you become confused at any point you can ask me in class and I can make sure you understand before Thursday.  

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Newsletter for the week of 9/27/2010


Asalamu Alaikum Third grade parents,

The school year has been off to a great start alhamdullillah and we have been very busy in the Third grade at Al-Ihsan. We have completed chapter 1 of our unit on living things in Science and we will be having our chapter 1 test this Thursday inshallah. Students will bring home their Science book along with a complete study guide outlining what the test will cover on Monday. Students will be expected to know the vocabulary of the chapter which is located in the mini-vocabulary book that they made in class. Students will also be expected to name the parts of a plant cell and the parts of an animal cell. Students will be asked to give an example of an organisms development which was talked about in class. I believe that students are ready to be tested on the material, they love Science class. Guided reading groups will start on Monday, September 27 inshallah. We will have a 90 minute block of reading, writing, and grammar every single day. Students have been placed in a group according to their ability level, and each group will meet with me at least three times every week while the other groups are given independent reading and writing activities. Small group instruction is essential to student success. In math we have completed Chapter one of Houghton Mifflin Math. We learned how to write numbers in expanded form, word form and standard form, place value up to ten-thousand, rounding off numbers to the tens and hundreds place and are starting the three times table. In Michigan studies we have finished a chapter on Michigan georgraphy where students were taught the five great lakes, their locations, which ones border Michigan and which one does not. They were also taught which 4 states border the state of Michigan, Michigan's two parts, the Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula and the capital of Michigan. Students should also know that a county is a part of a state and that our county is Wayne county, and finally that the state of Michigan is one of 50 United States. I am confident that if you ask our children about any of these concepts they will be able to explain in detail. Last but not least we have started the writing process and learned about the writing trait "organization". We are now working on our own personal narratives and have completed the pre-writing part of it.  Our students have been working very hard and I am very proud of them. If you have any questions or concerns I can be reached at I can also meet with parents during my prep time which is from 10:30 - 12:05 every day. Jazzakum Allah Khairan for your help and cooperation.

Sister Maha Mustafa

Monday, September 13, 2010

The week of 9/13/2010

Asalamu Alaikum and Eid Mubarad to all,

This week we will start our unit in Language Arts about adventure, the first selection we are reading is called "Cliff Hanger". In Math, we are learning about the different uses of numbers for example, numbers are used for measuring, counting, position, and labeling. We have also started our Michigan studies curriculum, we learned the names of the five great lakes (Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior and Lake Erie). We also learned that the states of Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin border our state.  In writing we are using the six plus one writing traits in our class and this week we will be learning about the writing trait, organization. In Science we will start our unit on living things and this Wednesday we will do an experiment using yeast, sugar and water. Students will use the Scientific process to determine whether yeast is alive or not. I have 2 prep times in a row from 10:30-12:05, so if there are any questions or concerns parents can make an appointment during that time. I am also available after school. We are off to a great start and your children are a pleasure to have in class.

Sister Maha

Monday, August 30, 2010

First week of school

Asalamu Alaikum,
There will be no homework assignments for students this week. We will focus on getting to know each other, learning our classroom rules and procedures and finally assessing students reading levels. I am excited about the new school year and am looking forward to meeting all of you inshalla