Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Math Test for Thursday 11/11/1972

Asalamu Alaikum:

On Thursday, November 11 students will be tested on Chapter 2 of Math. I am sending home a study guide that is to be completed and returned to me by Thursday, November 11. The study guide will be graded and counted as a homework assignment. In the past, I sent home a study guide that I didn't require to be returned, however there were some students who didn't bother doing it or studying for the test and ended up doing poorly so this time the study guide will be graded as a homework assignment. The following concepts will be covered on Thursdays test:
  • Properties of Addition: Commutative, Identity, and Associative
  • Students will be shown different equations and will be expected to identify the property on the test
  • Problem solving skills: Students will be expected to identfy the four steps to solving a story problem (Understand, Plan, Solve, Check) and apply the four step plan when solving story problems.
  • Estimating the sum
  • Two-Digit Addition with regrouping
  • Adding money
  • Three digit addition with regrouping
  • Adding greater numbers in the thousands
The new program includes an online tutor for help. The website is macmillanmh.com. The code to get in is MC7320c2 the number at the end represents the chapter that we are on. If you have any trouble logging on please let me know.

Sister Maha

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