Monday, September 27, 2010


Asalamu Alaikum Third Grade Friends, I am so happy that you could visit my blog. I told you that I would post some things on here that would help you study for the Science test and I did. Please read the main ideas below:

  • Remember how we made our own vocabulary mini-books in class and you defined each word. That mini-book tells you what all of our vocabulary words mean. 
  • When I checked the homework I found that some of you got mixed up between which part of the plant makes food, and which part of the plant send food to the rest of the plant. Remember that the leaves of the plant are the main food making part of the plant and the roots grow underground and take in water and minerals for the plant. The stem carries the food from the roots and makes sure that it is delivered to the other parts of the plant, And the chlorophyll is located in the leaves of the plant and it helps the plant stay green.
  • Besides reading from the book and studying the vocabulary mini-book that we made, remember the conversations that we talked about in class.
  • Remember when we talked about development, we discussed the development of a tree and we even discussed your development. Remember we said that plants, animals and you start out very small and that different stages of development are how you grow and change throughout life.
  • Remember that the five parts of plant's life cycle are: 
  1. A plant starts out as a seed.
  2. Then a new plant grows.
  3. Next, the plant becomes and adult.
  4. After that, the plant grows flowers on it
  5. Finally, Flowers become fruits with seeds in them.
  • Conifers are trees that produce seeds inside of cones, remember when Laila brought us a pine cone from her backyard and we looked at it. That was an example.
  • Remember that living things reproduce or make more of their own kind. Some living things do this by laying eggs, and some living things do this by actually having their babies grow inside of them like puppies or kittens (Subhan-Allah).
Remember: Even before Scientists discovered any of this, it was all sent down to us from Allah (SWT) and written in the Quran. The Quran was sent down in the form of different verses that were revealed to our beloved prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). The Quran was revealed before any of these Scientific ideas were even published. Surah Al-Nabaa talks about the heavy clouds that bring down a lot of water to the Earth, and how plants and gardens grow (remember in class when Ayat read the verses to us and then Khaled explained what they meant). This is how Allah (SWT) feeds and nourishes all living things on Earth. On the test, you will have the opportunity to earn extra credit points if you can tell me : Surah Al-Nabaa, verses 13,14,15 , explain the best that you can what they mean and try to memorize them (they are short). 

I hope and pray that this information is helpful to all of you. If you become confused at any point you can ask me in class and I can make sure you understand before Thursday.  

1 comment:

  1. Sr. Maha, ASA,
    Quick question...I'm quessing that there are different spelling lists (I think Daniel brought the wrong one) Could you post the spelling lists for us? JAK :)
