Monday, November 29, 2010

Third Grade Newsletter

Dear Respected Parents:
Asalamu Alaikum. I would like to take the time to give you some updates on what we will be focusing on in Third Grade over the next couple of weeks and some new programs and activities that have been implemented.

Language Arts: 
In language arts we will be wrapping up our second theme of the year which was Celebrating Traditions. The selections that we have read all included the theme of traditions in them. Language Arts includes a whole group reading and discussion of the stories, comprehension strategies such as main idea, sequencing and this week we are focusing on comparing and contrasting two different selections. Answering a question in a complete sentence, adding details, and summarizing are also some objectives and strategies that we are focusing on.
Our Grammar lesson for the last couple of weeks revolves around common nouns, proper nouns and how to make a noun plural. We are learning about all of the different rules that have to be applied when making a noun plural which will be posted on my blog very soon. We will also be starting possessive nouns next week.

This week we will be wrapping up our compare and contrast essay about the Eid and Chinese New Year. We will also be starting a new writing prompt. Students will choose one thing from their culture that is a tradition or that is celebrated and then we will write about it. For example, one student has already chosen his topic and it will be about eating aseed which is a traditional and popular dish from Yemen. We also have a new writing program called Blueprints for Exceptional Writing, and we are being trained on it by Sister Nadra Shami. For the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on the writing traits organization and adding voice to our writing.

This week we will start Chapter 3 in Math and we will be learning about subtraction. We will learn how to subtract whole numbers using regrouping and estimation. We will also learn how to solve story problems that have multiple steps. The Academic Vocabulary to focus on in this chapter will be : Difference, Subtraction, Estimate, About, and regroup.

This week we will be starting Chapter 3 in Science. We will be focusing on animal habitats and ecosystems. Key vocabulary to remember for this lesson is ecosystem, community, population and habitat. Some examples of different ecosystems that we will be studying will be an aquarium, ponds, rotting logs, terrarium, backyard, wood lot and forests. Next Monday I will be sending home an explanation and ruberic for the first project of the year. The project will be about an ecosystem or habitat that students will choose to research and present to the class.

Social Studies:
In Social Studies we are learning about the first people of Michigan who were the Native Americans. Students will learn where in Michigan the first people settled and how they used their surroundings and the environment to meet their basic needs of life. We will soon be creating a timeline starting form the first people and going all the way to Michigan's statehood.

The success and well-being of our children is my first and foremost priority in third grade. I am doing everything I possibly can to ensure that each student is successful and safe. However, I strongly believe in our partnership and bond of brotherhood and sisterhood that Islam and Allah (SWT) has blessed us with. I have a few simple requests:
  • Please make sure your child is here by 8:15 every day. When students are late for school, they miss out on valuable instructional time and mini-lessons that are started promptly at 8:30.
  • Please make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast before school even if it is a piece of fruit or cup of milk. Students who are hungry during Language Arts cannot concentrate.
  • Winter is upon us and we will still be going outside sometimes for Gym and Recess. Please make sure that your child comes to school with a winter coat and mittens.

I have an open door policy for parents, my prep time is from 10:30- 12:00 every day and I am also available Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school. Please feel free to contact me anytime at : or (313-740-0546).

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