Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Science Study Guide For Thursday's Test

Dear Parents,
Asalamu Alaikum, This Thursday, students will be tested on Chapter 2 in Science (Animals). Chapter 2 starts on page A36 of the Science book and ends on page A75. The following information covers the material that will be on the test:
  • Vocabulary words that will be covered include: hibernate, mammal, migrate, bird, learned trait, inherited trait, amphibian, metamorphosis, organ, fish
Students need to know the following main ideas of the chapter:
  1. Animals need air because it contains oxygen
  2. Vertebrates are animals that have backbones and invertebrates are animals without backbones and students must be able to give examples of both.
  3. The difference between animals that hatch from an egg such as frogs, chickens and turtles and animal that produce their own kind by giving birth such as cats, dogs etc.
  4. Animals need water to help them get rid of body wastes.
  5. Inner needs include eating, breathing etc.
  6. Which animals go through metamorphosis as they grow (butterflys, frogs) and explain what it means to go through metamorphosis.
  7. Examples of inherited traits (eye color and hair color) and learned traits ( how to ride a bike, how to play soccer, reading the Quran).
  8. To migrate means to move to another place ( to migrate means to move from one place to another) some birds migrate to warmer climates when the weather gets cold.
  9. The different systems and organs in our bodies and their functions. (See pages A62 and A63) of the Science book.
  10. Students will be expected to draw a chart with 5 sections, the chart will be labeled mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Students will be expected to write the names of at least three animals that fit into each category ( we already made a classroom chart in the hall and put pictures of many animals out there). Students can take a look at that chart to get some ideas.
  11. Students will then have to choose 5 animals from the chart that they made and write why they put that specific animal in that category.
Islamic Connections:
Students were given a copy of verse 45 from Surah Al-Nour. The verse talks about how all animals were created by Allah (SWT) out of water and in all different shapes and sizes. Some crawl on their bellies, some stand on two legs and some stand on four legs. If the student can name the surah, tell me which verse it is (#45) and exlain what it means on the test, 5 extra credit points will be added to their Science grade at the end of this quarter. If the student memorizes the whole verse and can recite it to me, 10 extra credit points will be added to their Science score at the end of this quarter.

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