Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Math Test study guide for 1/19/11


Vocabulary words to remember are:
array: Objects or symbols displayed in rows the same length and columns of the same length. The length of a row might be different from the length of a column.
Example:  OOOOO
The array above represents 5x4=20 because there are 4 rows and 5 columns

Factor: A number that is multiplied by another number. Both numbers that are being multiplied are called the factors.
Example: 7x8=56-------> the 7 and the 8 are the factors in this problem

Product: The answer to a multiplication problem is the product. In the example above 56 would be the product.

Multiply: To find the product of two or more number.

Associative property of multiplication:  The rule that states that no matter how you group the factors, you will always get the same product.
Example: (2x3)x4= 24 and 2x(3x4)=24

Commutative property of multiplication: The property that states that the order in which the two numbers are multiplied does not change the product.
Example: 4x6 is the same as 6x4

Zero property of multiplication: The rules that states that any number multiplied by zero always equals zero.
Example: 7x0=0

Remember: If you see a multiplication problem on the test that you haven't memorized yet, you can make an array or draw a picture putting things into groups to help you find the product.

Remember: If you see a story problem on the test that is confusing, you can use the strategies that we have learned in class.

  • Cross out the information that you don't need.
  • Underline or highlight the most important information.
  • Pay attention to what the problem is asking you to do.
Please bring your questions and comments to me during class if there is anything confusing that you don't understand.

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