Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Science Test on Chapter 5

Dear Respected Parents,

On Monday, January 31 we will be having a science test on Chapter 5. To practice for the test students can go to http://macmillanmh.com/science/2005/student , click on grade 3 and go to chapter 5. There will be a practice test and vocabulary practice on the website. I students do not have access to a computer then I can provide a hard copy of the study guide for them. If you have any questions, I can be contacted at maha.mustafa1971@yahoo.com.

Sister Maha

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Math Test study guide for 1/19/11


Vocabulary words to remember are:
array: Objects or symbols displayed in rows the same length and columns of the same length. The length of a row might be different from the length of a column.
Example:  OOOOO
The array above represents 5x4=20 because there are 4 rows and 5 columns

Factor: A number that is multiplied by another number. Both numbers that are being multiplied are called the factors.
Example: 7x8=56-------> the 7 and the 8 are the factors in this problem

Product: The answer to a multiplication problem is the product. In the example above 56 would be the product.

Multiply: To find the product of two or more number.

Associative property of multiplication:  The rule that states that no matter how you group the factors, you will always get the same product.
Example: (2x3)x4= 24 and 2x(3x4)=24

Commutative property of multiplication: The property that states that the order in which the two numbers are multiplied does not change the product.
Example: 4x6 is the same as 6x4

Zero property of multiplication: The rules that states that any number multiplied by zero always equals zero.
Example: 7x0=0

Remember: If you see a multiplication problem on the test that you haven't memorized yet, you can make an array or draw a picture putting things into groups to help you find the product.

Remember: If you see a story problem on the test that is confusing, you can use the strategies that we have learned in class.

  • Cross out the information that you don't need.
  • Underline or highlight the most important information.
  • Pay attention to what the problem is asking you to do.
Please bring your questions and comments to me during class if there is anything confusing that you don't understand.

Spelling Words for the week of 1/17/11

Words with prefixes: un, re, mis, dis,  (Group 2)


Group 1 Spelling Words

Monday, January 10, 2011

Science project due on 1/14/2011

Dear Respected Parents:
I have decided to assign a Science Project to wrap up the unit on habitats and ecosystems. This project will take the place of the unit test so it will be a 50 point summative assessment. According to the State of Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations student must be able to do a research project on their own and present it to an audience. Students will need to do the following:

  • Choose an ecosystem or a habitat. Examples are: pond, tree, forest, nest, under a rock, marsh, swamp, tropical rain forest etc. These are only examples, students may choose one that is not listed above.
  • Remember an ecosystem is made up of consumers, producers, and decomposers that depend on each other to live.  If students decide to choose and ecosystem they must describe the living things that live there and how they depend on each other. One way to do this is to draw a food chain. 
  • A habitat is a living things home. A habitat can be as small as a birds nest or as large as the ocean.
  • Students can use a poster board and draw or make a collage. 
  • Students can also use a shoe box and create a diorama of their habitat or ecosystem.
  • Students can also use a coat hanger to make a mobile of their habitat or ecosystem.
Students will also be required to write an informational piece on their habitat or ecosystem.
The informational piece should include the following:
  • A description of the habitat or ecosystem in detail.
  • Name and describe at least 3 plants and 3 animals that live their.
  • According to Islamic teachings, what is our responsibility towards living things in our community (You can incorporate hadith and Quran in this part of your informational piece.
The grading ruberic for this project will be based on the following:
Presentation: (posterboard, shoebox, mobile etc.): 15 points
Informational Piece: 20 points
Presentation in front of the class: 15 points

I will not assign any extra homework assignments for this whole week in order to allow students enough time to gather information and do the best job they can on this project. All spelling and math will be done in class. There will still be a spelling test this Friday and I will send home a spelling list for practice however there will be no written homework for home.

Parents: I want this project to be done by students independently, you and I will serve as guides and references to offer advice and show them how to research and where they can gather information from. All writing, and presentations should be done mostly by the student alone.  If your child is having trouble with any aspect of this project I will stay after school on Wednesday until 5 to help. Also, they can bring their questions or concerns to me during class at any time and I will help them.
Class presentations will take place, this Friday morning starting at 9:00. Parents are invited to come and watch the students give their oral presentations to the class.
Thank you so much for always being supportive and helpful. Each and every one of you has truly enriched my teaching and have made it worthwhile. I can be reached at 313-740-0546 or at maha.mustafa1971@yahoo.com. 

Sister Maha 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

classroom newsletter

Third Grade News

Dear Respected Parents:
Asalamu Alaikum. I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and blessings from Allah (SWT). I wanted to give you an update on what we will be learning in Third Grade over the next couple of weeks.
Language Arts: This week we started Unit 3 in Language Arts and our theme for this month will be Incredible Stories. Some of the learning objectives that will be covered are fantasy and realism, asking questions, verbs, following directions and more. In writing we will be learning and practicing the writing traits voice and word choice. We will also continue using the writing process according to our new Blueprints program. Guided reading will continue twice a week and I will start my second round of DRA’s. The purpose of the DRA assessment is to see how much the students have grown in the area of reading and comprehension since the beginning of the year.

Math: In Math we will continue studying multiplication tables and problem solving. We will also go into division and learn the relationship between multiplication and division.
Social Studies: In Social Studies we are creating a timeline of Michigan’s statehood and putting the events of statehood in chronological order. We will be learning about the French explorers, the British and their conflict with the Native Americans. Eventually, students will be able to explain exactly how Michigan became a state and all of the events that led to Michigan Statehood.
Science: In Science we will be starting unit C that covers our Earth. We will be studying the layers of the Earth’s surface, minerals and rocks, soil, and land. Students will be able to the materials that make up our Earth and how the Earth’s surface changes over time due to weather, volcanoes, erosion etc.
Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles are welcome to share our learning experiences:
On December 22, before we left for our winter break we were blessed to have two special guests in our classroom. Sister Nuzmeya Elder (Jibril Abdrabboh’s grandmother) and Sister Amani (Jibril Abdrabboh’s cousin) joined us for an interactive lesson the importance of acts of kindness in Islam. The lesson was very meaningful and the students enjoyed it. Family members are welcome to come in any time and do a lesson in my classroom, I believe this enriches our students learning experiences and strengthens the family/school connection. Please let me know ahead of time if you are planning on doing this.
Our Classroom Wish list:
Kleenex boxes
Clorox wipes
Paper towels

If you have any questions comments or concerns I can be reached at (313)740-0546 or at maha.mustafa1971@yahoo.com. Also please don’t forget to visit our blog for helpful learning hints, study guides, spelling lists, slideshows and more. You can check out my blog at www.mahamustafa.blogspot.com. Thank you for your continuous and ongoing show of support.
Maha Mustafa

Monday, January 3, 2011

Spelling List for 1/3/2011

Spelling list for group Two: (Verbs)

Forgive                                             communicate

spelling words for the week of 1/3/2011

Group One spelling words:   (Verbs)

Spelling List for 1/3/2011
Stand                                                        build
Swim                                                        sell
Read                                                         ride